in loving memory of Maikl Anmaschev
The viewer examines the paintings, but the paintings can also return the stare. During the time of pandemic, global isolation, and war, art is able to go places where individuals cannot. The reaching gaze of the artist can and should penetrate social strata. In this new body of work my paintings stand as witnesses to the strength, the suffering, the sacrifice, the honesty, the dignity, the bravery, and the hope. They remind us of the unspoken, in a way only images are capable to voice without necessity of words. The work is dedicated to a Sakharov Prize winner, Nobel Peace Prize laureate, and political prisoner Alexei Navalny and his brave wife Yulia. It is my hope that these paintings will raise awareness by bringing more witnesses to the injustice and will help open the gates of freedom for Alexei and all of what he stands for.
"From the Other Side", oil on canvas, 36 x 36 in, 2024
Parting (Alexei & Yulia Navalny), oil on canvas, 60 X 60 inches, 2021. At first glance this painting may seem to depict a regular couple embracing: as if in a dance they are coming together closely, cheek to cheek. However, this is no ordinary moment. We are witnessing Alexei Navalny in a final hug with his wife before being taken away as a political prisoner to a Russian prison camp.
Sliced (Alexei Navalny), oil on canvas, 82 X 36 inches, 2021
Boxed (Alexei Navalny), oil on canvas, 60 X 60 inches, 2021
J'accuse (Alexei Navalny), oil on canvas, 82 X 36 inches, 2021
Aglow (Alexei Navalny), oil and bronze gesso on canvas, 60 X 60 inches, 2021
Spilled (Alexei & Yulia Navalny), gesso & charcoal on paper, 41 1/2 X 29 1/2 inches, 2021
Chained (Alexei Navalny), oil on canvas, 60 X 60 inches, 2021
Splashed (Alexei Navalny), gesso & charcoal on paper, 41 1/2 X 29 1/2 inches, 2021
Speak up (Alexei Navalny), oil on canvas, 24 x 18 inches, 2022
Veritas (Alexei Navalny), oil on canvas, two panels 82 X 36 inches each, 2021
Regard (Alexei Navalny), oil on canvas, 80 X 39 3/4 inches, 2022
Kaci, oil on canvas, 60 X 60 inches, 2020
Kaci, detail, oil on canvas, 60 X 60 inches, 2020
William, oil on canvas, 24 X 18 inches, 2020
Cogito, oil & charcoal on canvas, 78 X 60 inches, 2020
Adolescent I, oil on canvas, 73 X 73 inches, 2021
Adolescent II, oil on canvas, 73 X 73 inches, 2021
Leonid Matzikh, oil & charcoal on linen, 68 x 54 inches, 2020
Susanna, oil & charcoal on linen, 68 X 54 inches, 2019
Angel, oil & charcoal on canvas, 78 X 60 inches, 2020
Charles II, oil on canvas, 60 X 60 inches, 2021
Antonio, oil on canvas, 60 X 60 inches, 2021
Masked, oil on canvas, 60 X 60 inches, 2021
Charles I, oil on canvas, 60 X 60 inches, 2021
Marked, oil & charcoal on canvas, 78 X 60 inches, 2020
Divided, gesso & charcoal on paper, 54 X 32 inches, 2021
Scream, oil on canvas, 78 X 60 inches, 2021
Reach, oil on canvas, 60 X 60 inches, 2020
Respiro, oil and silver paint on canvas, 60 x 60 inches, 2021
Voice of America
Featuring Alexei Navalny Portrait by Zhenya Gershman